Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning! Typical day where everbody stay at home.lazy around the house. And most important spending time with the family. Those who have kids ,will play with them, Those who luv shopping will go for shopping, Those who luv to go to the park, will hang out in the park....n ETC...ETC..ETC...,
As for me ,HOME will be perfect spot to be..

Monday, February 18, 2008

Le Tour de langkawi Kuala Lumpur Criterium, 2008

Last weekend went out to shoot the cyclist. Here are few of the best shoots from me.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sriyati & Aznan Soleminization

Sriyati & Aznan meet while there studying at UITM. Couple for bout 3 years and finally tied not on 8 feb 2008. Their soleminizatio was held at the Bribes place, though its a simple ceremony. Everthing turns up to be fine...with a sweet event.