Sunday, September 7, 2008

7th day of Ramadhan

It's already the 7th day of Ramadhan, and time passes really fast! The first week tend to be rainning week.It rains usually at late afternoon here, and rain in the morning some other places.feel sorry for Ramadhan stallers who sells variety of foods during the Ramadhan month.I myself have not visit this stalls yet,co'z im held back to finish the grooms & Brides album.Expect to deliver them by end of the week? So guys,bare with me.;) And i'll see you soon!
Emm.. since im not featuring any of the wedding today,let me share with few pic's that i took last week.
My son Aieril having breeze run.


Geng Bus Sekolah : )

Its 12.10am. Im still not at Bed yet!but my son is :)

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